Bay State Marauders

"A fellowship of members, primarily Leather / Levi oriented, whose purpose is to develop character and leadership in the spirit of friendship, brotherhood, and goodwill." —Marauders constitution

Photo: Bay State Marauders at the 2024 Anniversary Brunch & Officers Installation.

Anti-Racism Statement
The Bay State Marauders supports the Black Lives Matter movement and opposes state violence and police brutality against people of color. The Bay State Marauders believes that racism is a grave social ill. Black people and other people of color often face diminished life chances and early death due to racism and the history of white supremacy in the United States.
The Bay State Marauders affirms the freedom, dignity, and civil rights of our members of color, and we support people of color in the larger leather and kink community.
We do not support or condone racism or white supremacy of any kind.
We are a proud member of the Atlantic Motorcycle Coordinating Council.
Through a variety of philanthropic and social activities, Bay State Marauders inspires its members to adopt important values such as leadership, empathy and ambition, and to always strive for excellence.
Since 2000, members have upheld these values through academic success, philanthropy, character development and solid relationship-building skills. Our members are actively involved in many events throughout the year, allowing them to create lifelong bonds and consistently give back to the community.

Contact Us
If you’d like to learn more about Bay State Marauders, please come to one of our regular bar nights!
We look forward to seeing you there!